
Choosing yourself an appropriate Hermes Birkin bag

In handbags field, you may find Hermes Birkin bags are very unique and exclusive, perfectly suitable for your daily use. There is no doubt Hermes Birkin bags has unique designs or exquisite craftsmanship, very impeccable and exclusive. Hermes Birkin bags are famous for its unbeatable quality and exquisite workmanship. Besides, Hermes Birkin bags are also well-known as the symbol of identity and social status. Because of its rare material and exquisite workmanship, Hermes Birkin bags are positioned as top grade luxury handbags, which perfectly show user’s noble identity and economic base. Hermes Birkin bags come in five different sizes: 25cm, 30cm, 35cm, 40cm and 42cm. The size of a handbag is mainly decided by its width. Therefore, the specification of 40cm Hermes Birkin bags means the width of this Birkin bags is 40cm or 15 inch. Since Hermes Birkin bags are the symbol of identity and social status, so every Hermes Birkin bag is crafted by one craftsman at one time to guarantee the quality and workmanship of the Hermes Birkin bags. Generally speaking, it takes 18 labor hours for a 25cm Birkin bag to be made and 30 labor hours for a 40cm Birkin bag to be crafted.

In every season, Hermes will post its seasonal color catalog. The color mainly contains blue, green, pink, red, black, grey, purple, yellow, beige, brown and orange. Those Hermes Birkin bags are the perfect combinations of its colors and materials. Excepting the impeccable craftsmanship, the materials of Hermes Birkin bags come in different countries, very rare and gorgeous. Hermes Birkin bags are made of various precious material such as Alligator from Florida, Buffalo from Pakistan, Crocodile from Australia, Shark from Thailand, Lizard from Malaysia, and oxen, deer, calf, and goat from all over the world. Sometimes, you may find a fact that when you choose a Hermes Birkin bag whose material perfectly meets your demands, but the color doesn’t meet your demands. Depending on its materials and colors, most people can’t choose Hermes Birkin bags whose materials and colors meet people’s demands at the same time.

